We will be publishing the full obituary shortly, but in the meantime, we wanted to let you know the arrangements for FaithAnne’s visitation and funeral service.
The public visitation will be held at the Aldersgate Church on Wednesday, January 13 and Thursday, January 14 from 1PM-4PM and 6PM-8PM.
Guests will be encouraged to observe social distancing as they enter the church through the carport entrance on the east side of the building. From there, guests will view pictures and memorabilia as they await to pay their final respects in the sanctuary.
The funeral will be at Aldersgate Church on Friday, January 15 at 2 PM with limited in-person seating in the sanctuary and overflow seating in the church fellowship hall, and will also be live streamed at www.Aldersgate.Church.
Internment and a private graveside service will take place at the Memphis Cemetery on Saturday, January 16.
In light of the current COVID restrictions, a celebration of life picnic is planned for Sunday, August 15, 2021 from 1-5pm at the Aldersgate Church Pavilion in Midland.
In lieu of flowers, we ask you to consider a memorial gift in FaithAnne’s memory to:
Simpson Park Camp
70199 Campground Road,
Romeo, MI 48065
The public visitation will be held at the Aldersgate Church on Wednesday, January 13 and Thursday, January 14 from 1PM-4PM and 6PM-8PM.
Guests will be encouraged to observe social distancing as they enter the church through the carport entrance on the east side of the building. From there, guests will view pictures and memorabilia as they await to pay their final respects in the sanctuary.
The funeral will be at Aldersgate Church on Friday, January 15 at 2 PM with limited in-person seating in the sanctuary and overflow seating in the church fellowship hall, and will also be live streamed at www.Aldersgate.Church.
Internment and a private graveside service will take place at the Memphis Cemetery on Saturday, January 16.
In light of the current COVID restrictions, a celebration of life picnic is planned for Sunday, August 15, 2021 from 1-5pm at the Aldersgate Church Pavilion in Midland.
In lieu of flowers, we ask you to consider a memorial gift in FaithAnne’s memory to:
Simpson Park Camp
70199 Campground Road,
Romeo, MI 48065