Groups are places to grow and to belong.
At Aldersgate Church, groups are places where you can deepen your spiritual life, build relationships with other with people, and find practical ways to grow your character. There are some common questions that many people have about groups, and we've done our best to answer them here.
How do I find a group?
You can begin by checking out the Aldersgate Midland groups page or the Aldersgate Cardinal Square groups page. This will give you a way to find a group that might fit you. We'll be keeping these pages updated so they'll be helpful. Feel free to call us if you need additional help. We'll be happy to help you connect.
What do groups require of me?
The main thing that groups will require is that you engage. People tend to get out of groups what they are willing to put into them, so engaging is really important. Feel free to get into group life in the way that is comfortable for you. You can just listen at the beginning or you can jump in right away. If there are any additional requirements, the group leader will let you know.
What if my group isn't a good fit?
We have all had those moments when we realize something doesn't fit us well. That happens - and it's totally okay. If a group doesn't fit, you are welcome to find another one. Often groups have scheduled breaks for holidays or for the summer. You are free to use those breaks to find another group. We can help you find a new group. Or - if there isn't a group that fits you - we'll be glad to work with you to start a group based around what you want to see or what you enjoy.
Do I have to join a group?
No. You don't have to join a group. Groups are totally voluntary. We just encourage people to join groups because they are a great way to connect with God and others. We really do believe that life is better in circles, that life is better when you have a circle of people around you to do life with and to encourage you. We have found that groups help people grow spiritually and help folks find the community they are so often missing.